Kohonen Map
A Simulation of a Kohonen map for solving a 'travelling salesman' problem (developed by the TU Wien): http://www.vias.org/simulations/simusoft_travsalm.html
more information on SOMs
Prof Teuvo Kohonen's website
Self-Organizing Maps for Internet Exploration
an example map of one million newsgroup items
Book on Self-Organizing Maps by Kohonen
The SOM solves difficult high-dimensional and nonlinear problems...A new area is the organization of very large document collections.
a JavaApplet demonstrating the SOM-learning of a 2d-square
(more applets by Rob Saunders can be found here)
Neural Networks Tutorial with Java Applets !
DemoGNG, a Java applet, implementing several methods related to competitive learning.
more information on SOMs
Prof Teuvo Kohonen's website
Self-Organizing Maps for Internet Exploration
an example map of one million newsgroup items
Book on Self-Organizing Maps by Kohonen
The SOM solves difficult high-dimensional and nonlinear problems...A new area is the organization of very large document collections.
a JavaApplet demonstrating the SOM-learning of a 2d-square
(more applets by Rob Saunders can be found here)
DemoGNG, a Java applet, implementing several methods related to competitive learning.
michi - 26. May, 14:18